Stop using this meme

One of the great things I get to do as apart of my job is see things that trend. Memes, gifs, videos, articles, pictures… you name it. I’m actually someone who has to sit on Facebook for their job.

So in light of current events, I have seen a meme themed around Christmas that many Christians are posting on their walls. And to give you fair warning, if you have posted it you may not like this blog.

Here is the meme:


If you read it and thought any of the following:

  • “Oh no…”
  • “Seriously?”
  • “I can’t even…”

Then I’m probably not talking to you, but keep reading to humor me. If you didn’t think that then, well, take a deep breath.

There are precisely 4 very wrong things going on with this meme that makes the creator of it look like they have no idea what they are talking about.

Let’s start with the definition of a refugee which is as follows:

  • a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

So let’s go over the Christmas story and ask ourselves a two questions based on this definition:

  1. Did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem because they were escaping a war? Or persecution? Or natural disaster?
  2. Did Mary and Joseph leave their country?

The answer to both of these questions is NO. They went to Bethlehem to be counted for the census because they didn’t have mail (kinda 🙂 ). That’s all. Also, if you didn’t know, Nazareth and Bethlehem are BOTH IN ISRAEL.

Next, based on the definition of a refugee, does it say anywhere in it that a refugee has to be Middle Eastern?

Answer: NO.

You could be a refugee given the right circumstance.

Now, let’s go back to the Christmas story. Where were Mary and Joseph looking for shelter? If you said at an inn, you are correct. So, another question, to stay at an inn what does it require?


Did it occur to anyone that they were more than willing to PAY to stay at the inn, it was simply full? Also, the only reason it was a problem was because Mary was in labor. (Yes, there are probably more, but keeping it simple here.) Where do you think they stayed on the way to Bethlehem? Chances are, probably on the road.

Desperate defines their specific circumstance at the moment, and then after Jesus is born, they were fine. They had a home after that.

In fact, they are more closely defined as refugees when they escaped to Egypt, than in Bethlehem.

Lastly, what the blazes does this even have to do with hating anything? It is a ignorantly created image to try to stir hate and guilt towards people with nativity scenes. But it is only making the Christians sharing it look ridiculous.

So for the love of all things STOP SHARING THIS meme.

Goodnight and good luck.


*PS. By the fact that they needed money is not implying all refugees are broke, merely emphasizing that they were not desperate looking for charity as the meme mildly implies.

Simple truths

Yes, I feel like every time I get on my blog now I feel like a slacker, let’s just use this as a blanket apology from now on. 🙂

SOOO how is everyone? I feel like my life is super boring, but super busy at the exact same time. I have been crazy with work and the summer and ‘adulting.’ Right, what is that? But anyways I have been reading through the New Testament, for the sake of getting ready for advent- yes, I know VERY early, but still…- and it always amazes me.

I love hearing Jesus tell stories to his disciples. The language and the power he has to captivate his audience always fascinates me, especially as a comm major. I try to imagine sitting in the crowd in the cool grass, listening to his voice, and picturing his gestures as he dives into a parable.

I love picturing him as tangible, because he is, but also because it makes me feel like he’s not so far away.

You know what I mean? Those times he feels more like an idea than an actual person. The times you feel like your heart might explode because your prayers aren’t getting past the ceiling.

Yeah, I’ve been there. Pretty recently actually. In my life it seems that I sit in seasons like this so I can struggle with the issues in my own heart. For me I know it’s so the Lord can allow me to know that my life is real. That what I feel is real. That my emotions, and my struggles, are real.

Take it from an introvert, the worst thing in life is being by yourself in your head, processing, and not knowing what you are actually looking for.

However, when I came to the end of Matthew to the accusation and crucifixion of Christ, I was reminded of something we all know, but it is so simple we sometimes miss it, and that is this:

Nothing that we ever go through for Christ comes anywhere close to what he did for us.


All of the things that we experience in this life are so small and so minuscule compared to what our Savior did so that we could live, because at the end of it all, we still win.

No matter where you are today, no matter where you have fallen, no matter where your defeats lie, you ALWAYS have victory.

There is one truth that we can always hold on to in any situation, and that is: He got up. The tomb is empty. Our Savior LIVES. 

I want more than “nice”

Hello my name is Lauren, I am 25 and single, and though sometimes I want someone to cuddle with and cook me dinner, overall I am content where I am. After a brief relationship, and an experience online dating, the Lord really opened my eyes to what this season means and how he is using me for his glory.

With that preface, as a 25 year old single woman, one of the “world around me”‘s favorite thing to do is try and set me up. Now, I am not opposed to this idea, and I don’t know many females who are, if you find someone who is in your basic list of criteria. Seems pretty reasonable right? You want someone with the same values as you, has maybe 5 things in common (to have a decent conversation) and a job, preferably full-time.

So with that said, here is the list of criteria that “the world around me” considers reasonable: “You should go out with Joe! He’s so NICE!”

Granted I am not negating or defacing the fact that Joe is “nice,” however I am often met with extensive questions when I look at said person with a blank stare. Most of the ladies, and men, especially if you are a Christian know what I’m talking about.

Most of the time, in order to not be rude, we just smile and say, “I don’t think I want to get into anything right now.”

Here’s the problem. We have been in a world that is okay with settling for “nice.” So much so that we have begun to project those same standards on other people when they are not fitting what we assume are social norms. If I was looking for a man who was nice, I could be married with 5 kids by now.

But I’m not.

I’m looking for a man.

I real man. Not a “boy that shaves” as pastor Matt Chandler says.

You know what that means?

It means ladies, and men, that we are NOT to settle for someone who is less than what the Lord deems BEST for our life. It means we look for a significant other who posses the character qualities of our Savior and strives to be more and more like him everyday. It means we look for someone who addresses sin in their life, and is not afraid to admit their faults. Someone who pushes you to have the mind of Christ and will do anything in their power to get out of the way if they become an idol standing in the way of the cross.

So I will NOT apologize for refusing to entertain the idea of going out with someone who I know does not have these qualities, whether by the fruit in their life or because of how someone else describes them. I will NOT apologize for not following the “social norms” and thinking that a man can satisfy me more than my God. I will NOT apologize for wanting my significant other to be more than just “nice.”

I want to end with another quote from Matt Chandler that applies to men as well as women: “Women must think biblically and have HIGH expectations for how men approach them and honor them as sisters.”

Do NOT apologize for your high expectations. No matter who wants you to settle for “nice.” Godly men and women can jump higher than the bar.

Ways to GIVE a Merry Christmas!

In the spirit of the season, I felt compelled to let those of my AMAZING friends know some ways that you can GIVE Christmas to someone else. SOOO if YOU would like to make Christmas brighter all year round I hope you will take advantage of this list! Though short, it makes a BIG impact.

The Living Stone Ministry: Remember that time I went to the Bahamas? Well these lovely people are the ones that partner with FCA to make these trips possible. The Boykins are some of the most AMAZING people and they do some great work in Spanish Wells for the Haitian refugees that were displaced by the earthquake a few years ago.

*Clarin Ellard: My friend Clarin is currently in Niger working with ROCK International teaching the people of Niger how to swim. She was a swim coach here in Atlanta for Swim Atlanta, and decided to head overseas to share her talent and heart with Africa. She is such a personal inspiration to me and I hope you will join with her in pursuing her heart.

*Atlanta Urban Soccer: My good friend Adrienne is the director over this amazing program in the inner city of Atlanta. She has created a way for children in the impoverished areas of our city to fall in love with a sport and life. Three ways to give to her ministry: sponsor a child to play soccer, donate to the cause, or donate specifically to her OR her staff member Sam. It’s amazing to see these little guys! The link goes to the website for more info as well.

*North Fulton FCA: This is my heart at the moment. I would be okay with you supporting any branch of FCA in the country, but this right here is what I am involved with every single day. I am still part-time with North Fulton providing a strong role model atmosphere and leadership skills to high school and middle school student athletes and coaches. I absolutely love it! As most of you know I go on mission trips with FCA every year as well. Two ways to give: to North Fulton in general or to any of our staff- including myself (write my name in the notes section).

Hope you find one of these places to give in this amazing season where we remember it is better to give than to receive! I love all of these organizations and love the feeling I get knowing what my hard earned dollar helps to support! Love you all!


Media made me do it (pt 2)

Get ready. This week will be fun! If you have ever said one of the following phrases your buttons will be pushed:

“I wish the media would stop reporting on the Kardashians.”

“Can we just get some GOOD news?”

“The media is so corrupt! We need to stop indulging, our thoughts are becoming like the world!”

Before you ask, YES I have heard all of those phrases before. Blaming media for sin is probably one of the top 5 things I hear all the time, and you want to know the #1 reason why that is absolutely ridiculous…


Yes, you and me. WE control the media.

“No, we don’t. The media tells US what is news!”

On the contrary, the media reports on what YOU care about.

See the media is motivated by ratings and, in my world, engagement on social media. The statements I made above suggest that the YOU sit back and don’t USE media, forcing all engagement and ratings off of force instead of voluntary participation.

That, my friend, is what makes it absolutely ridiculous.

Take my job for example, I wouldn’t HAVE a job unless there were things like hashtags and trending bars on Facebook. Both of which are generated by what the USER is talking about, taken from key words, phrases, videos, and articles being shared throughout the space. Facebook and Twitter do NOT make these things up. They can’t. It is all user generated.

So if #powertrip is trending, like it is right now on Twitter, YOU made it trend.

News sources now look to social media to figure out what it is the consumer cares about, so they will watch, listen, or click, driving up the ratings. For example, is Ebola, seriously, an enormous threat to the general population? NO. So why do reporters keep bringing it up? Because people still THINK it is. They care about it.

Let me let you in on a little secret: The MOMENT you stop caring about something, so does the media. 

What does that mean? It means we have responsibility for half of the blame we put on media. Blaming the media for sin and corrupting our world is a cop out for our own selfish ambitions. Myself included.

Are there negatives about media? Absolutely. I’m not discounting its influence at all, but to automatically deem media as evil is incorrect.

Media, and especially social media (again in my world), is a great tool for good (see pt.1). It can be used for a variety of things that create loving and informed society. For those who own businesses it can be free marketing and help with the economy and enterprise.

In other words, WE LET media have more influence over us than it should. Media doesn’t force itself on anyone.

You create the account. You log in. You type in the website. You stay on longer than you should. You hit the buttons on the remote.

It’s time to take responsibility for our own sin and shortcomings. It’s time we ask the Lord where we have an unhealthy relationship with media. Only then can we actually live in our culture with a clear view of the world and ourselves. It is possible because we are victorious.

Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, emphasis mine)

Including media.

Blissfully Ignorant or Lovingly Informed (pt.1)

Before we begin, I want to lay out a short disclaimer. The following blogs (as are all of my blogs) my personal opinion from observation communicating about my vocation to others. This is not an all inclusive thought or opinion, and is meant to be discussed and explored. I love to have informed discussions with others who differ from me, so please feel free to reach out with questions or thoughts. We live in a world that too often only wants to hear the opinions that agree with it, but that’s another blog. Also feel free to add or expound on anything you read. Now without further ado, blog numbero uno:

One of the comments I hear the MOST from friends and acquaintances when I tell them I work for the news is, “Wow, that’s awesome! You much know a lot about what’s going on!” Which is true, I do, but the question I always wonder is, why don’t you?

I only HAVE a job because people want to know what’s going on. Being someone who does social media for a living, it is my job to TELL you what is going on so that you READ IT (more about that in blog #3). However, that never seems to be the case with 8 out of 10 people I have this discussion with. Most of the time the following comment comes out of their mouth, “I wish I knew more, but I like to be blissfully ignorant to what is going on.”

If you read that thinking, “Crap, that sounds a lot worse on paper than out of my mouth…” Then you may not have to read the rest of this blog, BUT to humor me, it is not that this comment is altogether bad. Yes, sometimes we want to distance ourselves from certain situations because of how they make us FEEL (more on that later), but since I am a Christian and most of my friends, who I converse with on this topic are Christians, I feel led to ask this question:

When does staying uniformed make us more ‘spiritual’ or more ‘holy’ or better Christians?

The answer: never.

In fact, on some level, I think it makes us WORSE Christians.

“But Lauren, the news is so depressing and always negative. Who needs that in their life?”

YOU DO, and so does everyone else. Because I think that is the WRONG way to look at the news. As negative. Yes, that is an accurate way to describe the events on the news, I admit most of the time it is not full of puppies and rainbows, but what if we look at it as an hour full of prayer requests.

An hour (multiple times a day I might add) when the Lord gives us an opportunity to have our hearts broken for what breaks HIS. To see the world for what it is, and MAYBE let it spur us to DO SOMETHING.

My church is doing a series on how we can minister to the city and how we can bring the kingdom to our culture in Atlanta. The biggest question people ask in these situations is, “Where do I even start?” The task seems too big for the players.

What if it started by watching the local news just ONCE a day?

Watch, pick ONE story, and pray intensely for that situation, family, or area of the city effected by the sin in that community. Do you think our cities would start to change? Do you think we would start to see the world differently? Do you think that our hearts for civic duty would start to spur us to get involved?

I think it would.

I read hundreds, maybe even thousands, of news stories a day, and sometimes I want to walk out of my office and cry. Sometimes my heart PLEADS with the Lord to return soon, but sometimes I am straight apathetic. I insert my opinion into the stories and the facts, knowing that I should stop what I’m doing and plead with the Lord for the people experiencing the result of his distance from the Earth as a whole.

As Christians we shouldn’t want to be uninformed. We should be the ones at the front, telling others what can be done and how we can serve those around us. Some are doing it so well. I envy those who have devoted their lives to a cause, because it is so beautiful to see, but most of us want to sit back and pretend that since we were privileged to be born in America the rest of the problems of the world don’t apply to us.

Friend, it’s not true. Ebola came to Dallas. It’s possible members of ISIS are ready to strike in America as we speak. At the most basic level, you could end up IN history even if you don’t KNOW about it.

I could cite verses and get all spiritual about this, but I won’t, because I think we all know that inserting Jesus into something we deem evil is a small picture of the gospel.

Are we willing to be a picture of the gospel, because that’s genetically who we are, with just an hour a day?

Don’t be blissfully ignorant when you can be lovingly informed.

Coming soon… a long time coming 10/17/14

Well, this is the time of year I apologize for not blogging as consistently as I should. As much as I don’t want it too, it happens.

Every. Single. Year.

Those few months I get too busy to sleep let alone write. I hate those months.

Anyways, with that said I owe you people a few pieces. Every 2 weeks for the next 6 weeks I am going to post a blog in a series surrounding some things I have noticed in my job working for the media. So if you have ever said any of the following you may want to tune in:

  • I hate the media.
  • The news is too depressing.
  • Why do bad things happen all the time?
  • The world is so much worse than it used to be.
  • Social media sucks.
  • Politics is stupid.

Get ready to hear my side on most of these topics and how it (mostly) relates to the lives of Christians in this current culture. It may not sound like much, but my heart has had some time to digest truths about some things I hear all the time and think it’s time to share.

So please keep all arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times and prepare for a slightly wild ride.

Mark your calendars! 10/17/14

Young Spanish Love- Tecate 2014

To sum up the last two days in a word: exhausting.

We have played several baseball and football games, built an (almost) complete structure, ministered to several orphans and underprivileged children, and personally, have taken hundreds of photos that will be shared soon. Each day composed of long hours in the sun and lots and lots of prayer… And dust. 🙂

I told you about Julio on Monday, but let me tell you what happened today. Well, I caught his “beautiful hit” AGAIN! This comes as a large victory to myself because I can not hit the ball nearly as well as he can, so our smack talk consisted more of me telling him he wouldn’t get past me. His look at me after the ball effortlessly landed in my glove was priceless! Well afterwards some fellow Americans were messing with him, saying a “nina” caught your ball 2 times!!! He did not even bat an eye and said “that’s okay, she’s my girlfriend!”

Yes, I came to Mexico to share Jesus and now am someone’s girlfriend. 🙂 Who says sports don’t bring people together? 😉

So now I will be planning a wedding for 8 years from now, or whenever Jesus sends me a husband my own age. Whichever comes first lol.

Anyways, today all of us had the opportunity to go over and help with the VBS going on. I got to teach some “chicas” how to make friendship bracelets, and to my surprise my Spanish wasn’t horrible trying to do so! Most of these students have families but are just very, very poor. We got to love on them and tell them Bible stories.

Today was actually our last full day here across the border and we will be heading back to San Diego tomorrow night. There is so much that I can’t put into these short updates that I am so excited to come back and share!

Hope your day in the states has been amazing, and as always, God Bless!
