A Note to the World

Hello world.

I haven’t talked to you in a while.

Not because I don’t have anything to say, but because I find that words have become relatively useless on the interwebs. No one actually cares about what you say or think anymore because it’s all fluid. All pinged against a million walls of imaginary vetting topics.

However, I never wrote because I care what people think, or what you think, world. I wrote because it is the one way I can actually articulate my brain and my feelings.

The way that I can feel.

And if someone reads it, maybe they will feel too.

The thing is, I think people forget what you actually look like. They forget what vibrancy you bring to the mundane. I just couldn’t bring myself to be another person muting the colors.

However, I know that not to write mutes my own colors. Makes me a little more gray in my world. My fingers are the one way that I can truly get where I want to go, and they have been exercising on Google Documents and iPhone notes for the last few years.

They want to experience fresh air.

But world, I am still torn. I am still unable to see what difference it will make to you. I am unable to tell if the common sense that lies within my fingertips is actually an acceptable viewpoint anymore. If people even look up from Instagram to read. If it even matters to put this out here at all.

But I’ve decide this is my starting point. I will tell you world, exactly what I think about writing to you. The thoughts that I have fought with for almost two and a half years.

I don’t want to be another screaming voice. I want to be a quiet one. A real one. One that actually feels like it cares about what’s happening to you, and not how it’s happening to ME.

Yes, some things may come across a little selfish, but I promise I’m listening. I promise I will try to explain as best I can, but to throw a wrench into all of this… it will all be fiction.

For now at least. I’ll let you know when I decide to fully come back.

Now I realize this is all very cryptic in message, and possibly confusing to you, but that’s the intent. You have to stick around to find out.

All my best.

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