Dream- the challenge in my head

What does it mean to actively dream?dream

When it comes to the things you think are too far out of reach do you shrink back? Do you try to be realistic? Do you let it depress you?

Or do you do something else entirely?

If you are like me, a lot of times you let the expectation of others impact the things you really want to do. What I mean is, when you have a dream, when you have a goal that you fully know is a little out of reach, and you tell someone you trust you want them to dream with you. You want them to see the possibilities that lay ahead. You want them to know that you cared enough to tell them something crazy.

But sometimes they don’t. Sometimes people don’t meet your expectations and we let those times bring us down or even kill the dreams that are burning our insides alive.

Here’s what I want to say to you:

Don’t quit. Don’t stop. “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Don’t let one person’s opinion get in the way of what makes you, you… WHAT MAKES YOU ALIVE. Don’t make impossibility something, when it is nothing. Don’t play the bench. Don’t throw in the towel. Don’t run away.

FIGHT. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be fun sometimes, but in the end it will be worth it.

And when someone tells you a dream… dream with them! Look at the possibilities before you look at the logic. Stand to see the dream the same way the person telling you does. Open up your heart to the possibility that IT COULD WORK. What if everything goes right? What if the hard work pays off? What if the bills are always paid? What if all the doors open?

There is enough adversity in the dreamers mind that they don’t need to be reminded of it. 

Tell someone you believe in them. Tell someone that you think they have what it takes. No matter what, but better yet… dream yourself. Look for the possibilities over the circumstances. It will amaze you what you can do.

Take the first step.



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